Business Law
A business needs a business attorney, meaning an attorney who is familiar with the range of legal issues, problems and even opportunities that face any business. Most of the time, the business attorney understands the issue and can offer constructive solutions. At Massiah Law & Associates, we are experienced in addressing your business matters as follows:
Creating corporations, LLCs, partnerships and non-profits.
Structuring by-laws and other agreements between owners.
Representing buyers and sellers in sale-of-business transactions.
Annual and other regulatory filings for the business.
Preparing and negotiating employment contracts, non-disclosure agreements, trade-secret agreements and covenants not to compete.
Protecting intellectual property.
Preparing and negotiating contracts and other agreements with customers and suppliers.
Buying, selling and transferring interests in real estate.
Representing parties in secured transactions, including UCC-1 and other security agreements.